Event description


This is a Town Hall session where we will be recapping of what we have been up to so far and a high-level overview of Football.xyz!


This is an onboarding call open for new joiners looking to contribute or wanting to learn more about football.xyz, and answer any questions you may have!

During this onboarding call we will be talking about:

Announcement section (12/04/22)

Hey everyone, how its going?!

✈️ Onboarding Call ✈️ This Wednesday 11AM PT

Feel free to hop on our onboarding call to understand better on how you can contribute and become a player (a term we use for contributor)!

Click here to set a reminder:

Please use #onboarding to chat along or if you have any questions!

🏛️Town Hall is back!🏛️ This Thursday 11AM PT

We have been busy but don’t worry we are here to update you on what we’ve been up to! Come join us ⚽